What Is Your Start Line Story?

This past Sunday, November 6, was a cold and very rainy one here in Eugene. It felt like winter arrived in one short, dark day. But still, for some reason, there were runners out in my neighborhood.

Drenched, muddy and freezing – the conditions didn’t seem to matter – they were still out there. What drove them? I wondered. Was it a future marathon start line, meeting a weekly mileage goal, or a warm stack of pancakes waiting at home? Maybe, it was all three.

Earlier that same morning, watching 50,000 runners cross the start line at the New York City Marathon got me wondering about the individual stories that each of those runners brought to the start line that day. Why were they there? What were their stories, the stories which got them to that iconic Staten Island start line? Was it to try and win (congrats to Sharon Lokedi and Evans Chebet!)? Was it to bid farewell to the pro marathon racing world after an inspiring career (how amazing is Stephanie Bruce!)? Was it to run alongside a new friend and end up encouraging him through those final, brutal miles (we saw you Coach Shalane and Matt James!)? Was it to complete the 26.2 distance for the very first time? Was it to raise money for a special cause? Or because their number was finally called in the NYC Marathon lottery?

Thousands of you are already signed up for next year’s Eugene Marathon. Many more of you have run our races in the past. We’d like to know why. What story will get you to start line on April 30, 2023? Or what story got you to the start line in 2022 or 2007 (our very first start line!) or any year in between?

Send us an email at info@eugenemarathon.com or send us a message on Instagram or Facebook. We want to know your Start Line Story.

- Becky Radliff


Run For a Reason: Team RMHC


From Worlds to Warehouse